Except she came 36 hours later.
And we have been a Party of 5 ever since. A new family.
Not without changes. Not without struggles.
People ask me all the time... "Is it different?"
And I know what they're saying.
Is there a difference between my children? The ones that are adopted and the one that is not.
I've heard it said, "If it's different, it's more."
But I don't know that I agree.
It is different. But it's not more than I feel for my middle child.
Are there differences between your children? I don't mean in personality. But between the way you think about them?
I would venture to say the answer is yes.
Each child has their own story. Their own miracle story of how they came into the world... of how they came to you.
And so do my children. Each one.
I love them all. With a depth that I feel is shocking at times. And I love each of their stories.
Each time I have been reminded of how undeserving I am. How there is no way that I could have ever done anything to be good enough to given what I have. Because what I have... what you might have... goes beyond good.
I don't call them "my adopted children." They are my children.
She looks nothing like me. And yet, she is mine.
And we are a family.
Because that is the kind of life we lead here. So she fit right in.
Because that is the name I always knew we'd name a girl. Because it reminds us of Christmas... of another birthday... of Someone that I hope and pray that she will grow to love and life for.
We spent two days at the hospital with her birthmother and birth grandmother. Who are beautiful. And who love her. With a love so deep that they would do anything for her. Anything.
And they did.
And chaos. And adjustments. My closet becoming a nursery... still adjusting.
And this week, it became officially official. After waiting the 6 long months that are required in Texas, we went before the judge.
Where she called us all up. All of us.
And we stood together.
All of us.
And raised our right hands.
Well, just Brian and I on that last part.
And promised to love her. And be her parents. For life.
And we did. Because we are.
Thanks for indulging me.
What an absolute beautiful post. I hung on to every word and loved every bit of it. Thanks for sharing such a touching glimpse of your beautiful family. More importantly...congratulations on your newest addition! :)
Wonderful post Jess. I feel so blessed to have you all as my friends! Love you!
I didn't know you adopted that little cutie. Thanks for sharing her story.
We are so very blessed.
Noelle is a blessing .. and she is likewise very blessed.
I am very blessed ... to be her Mimi, and I'm blessed to love and to know that you also truly understand that most unique love.
Awww, you got me all crying here. Beautiful post, Jess. Here's to you and your family. :)
This is just thee sweetest post ever...thanks for sharing your story...your family is just beautiful:)
...through tears... so happy for this day. bless the birth mother for her wisdom and love. congratulations to the Party of 5. {{Jess}}
So beautiful, Jess!!!!!! That's so awesome that it's official now. And you're totally right about us ALL feeling differently about each of our children. Derek and I talk about that a lot. Thanks for sharing your story, your feelings, your blessings!! Praise God for Noelle!
you made me cry. in a good-scratch that- great way! And you obviously are deserving- God has shown you that! :)
What a beautiful & inspiring post! My friend is going through the fostering part right now, (she only wanted to adopt), but her and her husband recieved a call about a three day old baby that was addicted to drugs. They of course said yes, they would take him, and he is an AMAZING little guy! But the waiting process is so hard, with the 6 month waiting period in Texas! We are trusting in God, to do He will for his life! I will have to share your blog with her, so she will be inspired too! Congrats to your family! :)
oops - that made me a little weepy...
So happy for the Witty 5!
What a beautiful post! I loved hearing your story...
I feel compelled, as I wipe tears from my eyes, to tell you how much I loved reading your post. How beautiful. Everything came together as it was intended, I'm sure. Bless you and your beautiful family...and have a wonderful holiday season!
Wow! Awesome story. I myself was adopted and my parents are awesome. I am so thankful for them. You are so lucky because you get to experience both! Have a great Christmas with your family!
Thanks for your beautiful story! :) I really hope you continue to enjoy her! She's a doll!
That has to be the most awesome thing I have ever read!! Wow. It makes me wonder about my decision to not have kids. (Geez I got old fast and would love to get a few years back to re-think it. That is how much you inspire me!)
Oh....and shut up! Your mom is Texasgrammy! I totally recognized her in your pic. That is so cool!
I will never get tired of hearing that story. God is good!
Such a touching journey you have shared with us. I tried so hard not to cry but I broke near the end. What an open heart you and your husband and family have. Very inspiring. Blessings to you all. Happy Holidays... forever and ever.
God's love is perfect. You did a beautiful thing for two families. Your Little Princess will be forever spoiled by her dad and 2 older brothers! A heart-warming story of the best kind! Thanks for sharing.
Thankyou for being so wonderfully honest, this was a beautiful post. It reaaly opened my eyes to the real, deep wonderful joys of adoption. may god bless your beautiful family
Ah, that is the sweetest story! I too hope my children grow up to love the Lord with all their hearts!
Wonderful. Got goosebumps reading your awesome story. Congratulations to the whole family.
What a story.
Noelle............such a nice name, so sweet, exactly like your daughter. Ok, she is sweeter.
Beautiful post.....a wonderful family...how lucky she is to have you...how lucky you are to have her....thanks for sharing...I am passing it on to my daughter...a sweetie as you are!!!
Jess, I was moved to tears. All of your children are blessed to have such a caring Mom.
OK, you've got me crying...
Such a wonderful, heartfelt post. She'll cry when SHE reads it one day. So happy for you all!!!!
Beautiful story. Beautiful family.
Well, after seeing the PTI post and seeing a few comments about the baby, I was curious, so went back. What a touching story. How great that you were able to help a family in need and expand your own at the same time. Congratulations on the adoption!
So yesterday when I read this, I was going to comment because my heart was so full of joy for you and your precious family, but I couldn't see the screen through the tears. Quite the same way as when your Mom relayed the story when we were in TX. As Bev said, you are indeed a blessed family, and also a blessing to all around you. And this is the biggest compliment I could pay you...like Mother, like daughter!
She is absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to adopt her!
WOw Jessica that is amazing! My husband and I have always wanted to adopt... it's weird but I've always had such a huge draw to adoption! So great to hear your story!
Jess, great to have you on board. Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful future projects.
She is beautiful. And I am bawling.
You're not supposed to make me cry at 8am! :) I love hearing your touching story, Jess. You're a wonderful Mom and I'm so happy Noelle is officially part of your family! What a sweet punkin picture! And congrats on the PTI gig, if my comment got buried in all the others above! Hugs!
What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing this on your blog. Hwat a special and blessed family you have and congrats on your new addition officially!
AWWWW, that's beautiful. (she said with tears in her eyes!)
This was a wonderful post. I was just so deeply moved and you are amazing. Congrats on your newest addition to your family. She is just adorable just like you :) So in many ways she is more like you than you know :D
Thanks for sharing this post with us. There were tears in my eyes at the end of it.
Cheers, Jess! I'm up for indulging you any ol' time. So happy for you and your party of 5!
What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing with us.
Beautifully written. I too am an adoptive mom, and have a child that is biologically mine, but they are both completely and fully mine. We too have just had a very similar experience of God dropping another baby into our laps, we are starting the process again to bring home another baby from Ethiopia, the land that my first born is from. We are so amazed and humbled and so excited. Thank you for sharing your story and getting the miracle of adoption out there.
You and your family are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing - love you lots!! Kimmers
I do not know you or your family, but I was moved to tears -- happy tears -- by this post. Bless you!
Wow! What a moving story although I had already read Bev's post, it's wonderful to hear your side as well. You are a very special family to give this little girl your heart!
Oh, Jess! What a beautiful post. You are a beautiful mama. Enjoy those sweet babes and congratulations on Noelle being yours forever.
Congratulations and blessings to you and your family. What a special Christmas you will have celebrating with your three beautiful children. Thanks for sharing your story.
I so understand what you mean, Jess. I have two boys (both biologically mine) and it is different with each of them. I don't love either one more or less than the other. It's just different. I so get how you feel about your babies. Thank-you for sharing your beautiful story. May Noelle's first Christmas be a wonderful time of fellowship, love and celebration of our Lord's love for us. Merry Christmas!
Oh, what a beautiful story. I just love it! So full of God's blessing to you and your family. The perfect time to tell the story and the pix of all of you is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing an important piece of your life. Posts like this are what keeps me coming back for more.
Oh, good gracious, I just left you the best longest comment and now it's gone...POOF! Anyway, I just wanted to send you a hug, from a birthmom with an open adoption. I'm blessed to be able to hug my little girl and know every day that I made the best decision ever for her. And I wish more people would tell their good stories. There are so many. :)
and now I'm crying. . . .=) I love you and your family!
This makes me cry - thank you for sharing this precious story. And congratulations on your beautiful family!! God is so awesome how He works things out with His perfect timing. God bless you!
Rachel in Spooner, WI
Congratulations to *all* of you! Thank you so much for sharing your story, your thoughts, your journey your photos. Many continued blessings upon you all! Enjoy baby's first Christmas. =)
oh Jessica, what a beautiful post. You have a beautiful family, and I can see why Noelle's birth mom chose you as Noelle's parents.
WOW! May God bless you...real good! Merry Christmas to your family!
What a truly wonderful story! Blessings to you and your family.
I heard/saw the picture from your mom first - she was just beaming about being able to witness the official adoption. I love your story, how I hope for one of my own someday...y'all are awesome to welcome & love her as your own. She is a cutie pie
You have me all teary eyed again, such an amazing and special family you are. Huge congrats on making it official.
P.S. Big congrats on the PTI gig as well. :)
That is just beatiful! Those are wonderful family pics! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading it!
What an incredible gift. On all sides and especially from above.
I am so happy for you, Jess, and for your family--so blessed, so loved...it comes right through your words! What a dream come true for each of you, each in a different way...ah, I love a great story, especially a real-life story!
What a beautiful story. I'm in tears!
Jess I came here from you recent post - as a birth mother who gave a child for adoption (over four decades ago) it is a blessing to read your story. I have recently met the family who adopted (the child) and they are so precious to me now, and I know I made the best decision for my child. I also have met that (now adult) child and their own spouse and children. God has been good to me.
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