witticisms by Jess Witty

August 26, 2013

A Papertrey Farewell...

Well, folks... it's time.

And yet... my heart is beating faster even as I write this and the tears are threatening their descent. 

Have I ever mentioned how not good at change I am? 
Some people thrive on change... not me.
I like familiar.
I like cozy.
I like the known.

And yet... I can't shake the feeling that there might be something different out there for me.

I've had that feeling for a while, but when one {meaning me} is adverse to change, it tends to take a while to get to the actual going about of making said change.  Familiarity is awfully warm and cozy and hard to move away from, isn't it? 

And papercrafting has been my familiar for over a decade.  This adventure started for me when I was a newlywed... with lots of time on my hands... and no children taking it up.  Over the span of this journey 3 kids have come along and with them a changed life... a changed me.  The reality is that just as my life is no longer the same as it was... and I'm not the same as I was. 

These drifting feelings within me started to become clear this spring when I did an exercise requesting that I physically write out my dreams... both big and small.  Yes, it sounds cheesy, and yes, it could have been, but it was an intense moment for me.  I wrote without stopping, and when I was asked, I voiced all of the things that, to anyone else, might seem insignificant or impossible... but not to me.  This exercise... meant to help me focus in on some of the areas where God might be leading me... made me wonder when those things could ever happen.  How would I ever have the time and the space to work toward those things when I'm so intent on keeping things familiar... and cozy... and unchanging?

I started to become convinced of the fact that if I want to see the possibility of other things, I need to be willing to listen and let go of the things that might not be for me anymore.  Instead of closing my heart up and sticking my fingers in my ears when I hear the whisper that it's time to change, I need to be willing and open to the fact that there could be other good things for me. 

And even though it's change... I can be happy about the possibilities in it.

That being said...
I love it here.
I love doing this.
I love this team.
I love being a part of this thing that we *all* love... you and me and all of us together.

It took me a little while to be emotionally ready to leave and it's not because I really ever have to leave papercrafting.  PTI is my last official tie to papercrafting, but my stamps and supplies still have their happy homes with me :) 

It's hard to leave this team.

Let me take a moment and tell you that I will miss being under the leadership of someone so gracious and patient with me.  My admiration for you, Nichole, and my thankfulness at your encouragement over the years is deep and sincere.  It is no small thing to wonder if what you're doing is good enough and to consistently be affirmed and lifted up by someone you respect.

It is also no small thing to get to be a part of and enjoy the benefits of a group of dynamic and supportive women such as this.  Over the years we have taken turns cheering each other on at various points... sometimes in silly ways, sometimes in serious times.  There is a joy in coming to tears over cards and sweet gifts in my mailbox from teammates who simply want to soothe and lift up.  There is joy in sharing monthly chats with friends... cheering and encouraging one another.  There is joy and love and excitement in this team, and I will miss that.  {Unfortunately, you're stuck with me because I still have all of your email addresses and will thus commence pestering you about what you're making, etc.}

There is joy and love and excitement from those of you that have shared yourselves here with me... and I will miss that.  So many of you have consistently come back to share a sweet word or two and yes... I know who you are.  You have done so over the years without ever knowing that words are my love language, and in leaving your words here, you have spoken a bit of joy into my heart. Thank you for that.

As for me and my blog... well... I'm not sure yet. 
I'm leaving the doors of possibility open :)
I am not leaving, nor am I planning anything specific. 
How about I pop in and share with you as I can?

Until then, friends...


Taheerah said...

Thank you for everything Jess. I will miss your creations and your jovial posts but I really admire you for making a tough choice and stepping into the unknown. That's really inspiring to me and I wish I could be more like that. I never commented much over your time on the team and I'm really sorry for that, thinking my words would not make any difference in the swathe of praise. But please know that I am always in awe of your work, and you've taught me a lot, and I hoe we will all see you around some time.


Genevieve said...

I am sadden that i will not be getting my monthly Witty creative fix. Every release you have made sure to use PTI stamps unconventionaly and amazingly . I hope that you will be happy with all your project not many take the time to make changes for ourselves . You will be missed for sure .
But mostly a BIG thank you for all these projects you have shared

~amy~ said...

A ginormous thank you for all your fabulous inspiration.

We all have to trust our heart and kudos to you for listening to yours! Can't wait to see what doors will open for you!

karahoward said...

I find it amazing that I can have such real feelings for people that I'm basically stalking :) Wow. What a post. I am in awe at your talent and now your courage at listening to what God has in store for you. Thank you for your heart felt post. I'm betting we could all use a little reflection and inspiration in our lives. Plus, it's very refreshing, in this world now, to have an honest, God inspired announcement. Good luck and know that you have an army of "stalkers" praying and wishing for your best - and a little jealous that you've got the guts to make such a big change.

Ruth S said...

All best wishes with whatever life brings you Jess, and I hope you'll still enjoy a little creative time in there. Shame to abandon all that flair entirely ;)

Anonymous said...

Hats off to you, Jess!!! It takes a lot of courage to listen to one's heart, to let go and free the space for what has to come next. So there's one more thing to admire you for.
That said, you will be deeply missed. Thanks for your constant inspiration, for the lessons you have unknowingly taughted me on stamping, on color, on composition, on design. Thanks for each and every huge smile that your fun and witty (yup, it had to be said) personality brought to my face whenever I stopped by your blog. Just that, a big thank you.
I wish you all the very best and I'm sure that wherever life takes you, you will keep being an inspiration for others.
Sending big hugs,

Jennifer K said...

All the best to you, whatever life may hold. I will miss you and I will miss your wonderful creations. God bless.

Kari D said...

I have been such a huge fan since the first time I saw a card of yours and read your blog post. LOVED each and every one. You always inspire and demonstrate how stamping can touch almost every part of your life, from cooking to home decors to home schooling. Thank you for your sharing and thoughtfulness. They have touched my life in such a wonderful way. Looking forward to seeing where the next steps in your journey take you for surely there will be great things. Will miss your PTI posts, but know there are great things ahead for you! "and all the people say, amen"

richardbreaks said...

Oh, what a wonderful new journey lies before you! Wishing you all good things as you embark...

June K said...

Best wishes to you. I will miss your creations with the PTI Design Team. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful work.

Melissa Sibert said...

Oh, Jess, I am going to miss your inspiration, but I understand very well your reasons why you are stepping down. We all have to re-evaluate priorities and dreams and have the flexibility to respond to God's calling. I will miss your food inspired creations as I love to bake too. Take this time in your life to homeschool those precious little ones God gave you. They grow up much too quick. Stay in the shadow and shelter of The Lord and He will guide you and lead you in all the great and wonderful things He will put in your path for your good and His glory. My prayers are with you. You will be missed at PTI but we will still be checking in on you.

Cheryl B. said...

Aptly named.
Creatively blessed.
Greatly missed.

All good things must come to an end. A wise person knows when that is. Good luck in all your future endeavors. I know there will be many.

Know you were and are admired and loved,
Cheryl B.

Terri Trotter Earley said...

I am totally going to be stalking your blog still :) I adore you humor and way of expressing your ideas. There is no doubt that you will be successful!

Kara said...

Good luck to you in following your dreams! You'll be missed. Hope to see you creating from time to time!!

Rhonda said...

You brought tears to my eyes this morning. I will miss your creations, humor, and inspiration. Love on your kiddos and go for the new things. You will never be sorry for listening to God's whispers.

Anonymous said...

I am sad to see you leave the PTI team but I am thrilled for the new plans that God must have for you. You will never regret listening to His voice, even though the initial stages of obedience can be sad and unknown. I love your skills as a crafter and as a writer. I will miss your posts more than I can say. You are deeply appreciated!

Sonia said...

Oh dear Jess!
You will be missed more than you can possibly know!!!
I have been an admirer of your talent for many years, and have the utmost respect for your creativity, humour, and general down-to-earth-ness.
I understand and respect your decision to follow your inner voice...it is always so tough to do, but in the end, it will be worth it.
Best of luck to you, and i hope you find what you need to do next :)

Kristie Goulet said...

Wishing you the best! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you. God Bless!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

I am saddened to see you go - you always were one of my favorites at PTI - I admire your creativity and how you always came up with a fun twist on things. I will miss you! Good luck and the very best for your future - and kids grow up and eventually you 'll have more time for yourself again!

Gisela said...

It is a great thing to hear the WHISPER and trust where God is leading you to. I wish that you will clearly hear His voice and find your dream. I think He used you today to talk to me as well. I admire your decision and wish you the very best.

Denise E said...

Oh Jess, as I sit here with tears in my eyes, I have such gratitude for you. I am so grateful for you, not only for sharing your amazing talents and awesome 'witticisms' that always make me smile, but also for your honesty and willingness to follow that 'still, small voice'. You are such an encouragement to us all, as an awesome, creative, funny lady and also as a faith-filled, follow-God's-lead kind of girl. And for that, and much more, I say thank you. Thank you for a great run and for always inspiring us to be better, better crafters and better human beings! Hugs to you. Best wishes in whatever your future holds. Don't be a stranger...come back and let us know what you're up to!

Suzette said...

Best of luck! I know too well what it's like to move away from the comfort of the familiar and dare to move to the unknown. It has taken me nearly a year to find my new life comfortable, but I'm heading in that direction. I will miss your posts. Don't stop creating art - it is an outlet that keeps me grounded!!

RedGem said...

Say it ain't so! How can I possibly make it through the day without your witticism! You will definitely be missed. Oh, please tell me you will still have your blog available (sorry its my selfish side)... take care and thank you for your creativity!

Lauren said...

I'm afraid I'm one of those people who regularly visited your blog for humor and inspiration, but never let you know how much I appreciate and admire you. Your cards were always fresh and innovative and sometimes just plain fun. I will miss that. However, God knows what's best for us, even when it's painful. I respect your decision so much and wish you joy in your new journey.

conil said...

Well, I hope your happy...I actually have tears in my eyes. Happy for you...want you to do what fulfills you; sad that I won't see your posts so often. You've been an inspiration to me for eons, it seems. Just go out and ROCK the house.

see mary stamp said...

As much as I loved your creativity and beautiful projects, it is your loving, humorous and gentle spirit shared through your blog that I have come to admire the most. I am a firm believer in "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven." While it may be time to leave Papertrey, God has great things in store for you and I wish you all the best as you continue your journey.

Luvpurple said...

I was also saddened when I read your email. I will miss your cards and talent. I also know if God is leading you in another direction, you must follow His leading. Blessings on you as you follow His path.

Lindsey said...

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I have tears in my eyes. I have so enjoyed your work over the last few years. Your posts are always some of my very favorites. I come back to your blog again and again for inspiration and tutorials and smiles. In fact, I just made a card last week based off of one of yours. Your ideas are brilliant, your projects incredible, your humor/personality a joy, your faith inspiring...and I will miss it all. Best of luck to you! My admiration of you continues to grow as you are willing to let go of something good for something better...a lesson we would all do well to learn. Thank you so much!

Laurie said...

Jess, I will miss your amazing creations! I am so excited for you and what the future holds. God has great things for you! Good luck to you and I can't wait to see what comes your way! :)

Susan T said...

Best of luck in all that you do. You will be missed greatly. I love your work and hope the best for you. May your future continue to be bright!

Mary said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. Your cards are fantastic! You certainly have shared lots of wonderful inspiration with your paper-crafting. I *hate* change. So I can relate to how you are feeling. Good luck to you in whatever it is you do next. No matter what your change will be I'm sure you will be awesome.


Keri said...

YOU are amazing! YOU are talented! YOU add value to others lives! When one door closes another one opens. We aren't ponds of stagnant water, we are rivers of life! Continually flowing, changing. Spread those wings and fly Jess! :D You will certainly be missed, but you will always have fans. I am sad to see you go but excited for you and your new adventure. We wouldn't mind seeing a project or two from you once in a while either. ;) XOXO

Sue in Grapevine said...

So respect you for doing your best to go in the direction that God is pointing, but sorry for myself to not have your fun blog posts each month.
I think I told you before... but I always saved your post as "the best for last" during each countdown.
So glad I got to meet you at last year's SAF.
Peace to you & your family,

Ohhh Snap said...

When I'm re-pinning from the PTI boards your works especially make me smile which with all the talent on that team reallllly says something. I'm really going to miss your Witty PTI Ways : ). I hope you continue to make cards for your self (and share them with us). Thank you : )

Marjolein said...

Wishing you Gods Blessing in every possible way and it's always a good thing to trust in HIM.
I loved every card/ gift/ piece of art you have created and your sense of humour :-)
Thanks for all the inspiration you shared with us.
A warm goodbye from the Netherlands,


nancy said...

As I read this post, tears came to my eyes. They were partly there for selfish reasons for I will surely miss your monthly posts, particularly your thoughtful words. Those tears were mainly there because of joy, though. How truly blessed you are not just to hear God's whispers, but to actually listen to what He is saying. I pray that this new leg of your journey will bring you and your family all the riches God has to offer.
Until we meet again.

Kathy Mc said...

Best of luck to you, Jess, as you follow your dreams! What a difficult decision this had to be because Nichole and PTI's DT are the best. You will truly be missed but not forgotten. Thanks for all your inspiration these past three years.

Leigh Penner said...

I'm so sad to hear that you're leaving the PTI DT, as you are one of my favourite designers. Seriously.
Wishing you all the best, Jess!

SheriE. said...

Thank-you so much for sharing of yourself and your creativity all these years with all of us. I will miss your beautiful designs. I know it was a hard decision but it sounds like this is a season of life for you that makes this necessary. Wishing you all the best.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Wishing you the best of luck and a big hurray for you figuring out what is best for you and having the courage to accept it and take steps towards this! Such a hard thing to do! So happy to still see your work on here, it is truly inspirational! All the best!

Holly Saveur said...

Wish you all the best on your new journey..thank you for all your inspiration.
it is so good to follow your heart and feelings.....even when it leads you to a new path...
hope you will share with us how your journey is going....
hugs Holly.

Susan said...

Jess - I will really miss your PTI creations and blog posts! I have so enjoyed your humor, been inspired by your faith, and blown away by your amazing food creations! You are my favorite stop on the PTI blog posts - you will be missed greatly! God bless you and your family in this new stage of life!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Sweet Jess, you know... change is hard, but for the most part good. At the beginning of this 2013 year, when everyone was posting their "word" or statement for the year, I was inspired by so many crafters to choose some words too. My words were, letting go. So, I applaud you for letting go, because it's especially hard to let go of things we love and enjoy. Maybe you just need a good break. Maybe you will go back. Maybe you won't. But paper crafting is a constant in our lives that we will always use. =D Honestly, I have so many blog subscriptions that I don't really know when people don't post unless it's for a long period of time and someone else's blog takes me there or reminds me. I have enjoyed your unique vision with the Papertrey Ink stamps and dies and for that I sincerely Thank You!! I wish you all the best. xo

BeverlyBL said...

We will all miss you. Take care.

Nora Noll said...

I am going to miss your creativity and all the inspiration you have given me over the years. I love how you think outside the box. Thank you for that

I am with you-change is hard. I give you credit for figuring it out and doing what you have to do. I, myself, would love to know the exercise you used because I need something like that.

Good luck on your new adventures! I will be checking your blog and hopefully you will update us.


Nancy Guse said...

Although I didn't leave comments I loved reading your blog!! I am sad to see you leave. Enjoy the adventure that is ahead of you. Don't stay away too long!

Tigriswillreign said...

*sniff* I'm so sad to hear you're leaving the PTI team! I love your work and look forward to seeing more in whatever direction you take. xoxo

Kim Heggins said...

I wish you all the best on your new journey, you have such a wonderful gift that will be missed each month but you need to follow your heart. Thank you for all of your wonderful inspiration over the years...I wish you all the best!

Gina said...

{sob} But...but...Jess! You're my favorite!! (she says in a super whiney voice...dogs four counties away are howling it's so whiney). However, you are doing what is good for you - and you've got to do that! Trust me, you don't want to be in a hotel room "hearing voices" (I swear, I did...because I resisted that little voice for so long). I look forward to seeing what you do with your life and hope you will share with us here some!! Best wishes and big hugs!!

Kelly S. said...

Oh best of luck, Jessica! I will miss your regular blog posts at release times but look forward to hearing about your new adventures! With your creativity and intelligence...oh the places you will go!!

Suzanne said...

Jess, this is so bittersweet! I think this is one of the most thoughtful goodbyes that I've ever read, and I can sense the true optimism in your message - I hope you're able to find all of what else good might be out there for you, but you will surely be missed!

I hope you continue blogging, as I've enjoyed reading here and love your outlook on life. ALL THE BEST TO YOU, Jess!!! Thank you for all the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your inspiration. Wishing all the best in the future. :)

Anonymous said...

Jessica, thank you for sharing your papercrafting gift with us. (I think my favorite of your cards was the candy bar wrapped in real foil - it looked so real.) You have a true gift - with papercrafting and with words. What you shared on your blog today was beautifully written. As someone who also does not like change, I applaud your courage to be willing to step out in faith and see what God has in store for you. You can be assured that it will be His best and will be better than anything you could imagine.

Anonymous said...

The very best wishes for yourself and your family as you make some exciting changes in your life. Your writing has made me laugh out loud and I have been constantly in awe of your wonderful talent in the papercrafting/cooking/creative field. So, simply, thank you and good luck.

Jo R.

cards by cara said...

Oh, Jess ... what will we do without you? Your blog is one of the ones I MOST look forward to as you have such a fresh take on the products and your style is all your own. I often marvel on how you have so much creativity and style in all you do .... You are so brave to go into the unknown and make a change and for that, we admire and respect you. Please check in on your blog and keep us posted on your adventures and any creations you make. You will be missed dearly but I feel blessed to have had the chance to experience all you had to offer and get to know you a bit through your blog and the forum. xoxo

Dee said...

Along with all the others who have posted their words of support to you, i commend you in following what I like to call "God's whispers". I, too, will miss your inspiring designs, but know that when changes come it's not easy to leave the comfort of the present life and step out into the unknown.Be blessed as you step into the next chapter of your life as God leads you!

StephH said...

No,no,no!! I cannot bear this. We have so benefited from your creativity Jess, your fairly no-ninsense approach to papercrafting. But even more than this, I adore your wit and humor with which you present everything. I hope you continue iin the industry Jess. (In that fancy craft room.) Will be following your blog, in hopes of finding you on a new path soon.

mandalj said...

I've always enjoyed seeing your beautiful cards and reading your funny posts! I'll miss all that and wish you all the best as you follow where God leads you and your family.

Unknown said...

Perhaps you should now write. I was compelled to continue reading what you wrote. Your way with words, your phrasing, we're as enjoyable to read as your cards were creative. Just saying'....I always looked for you new and innovative ideas. Maybe writing would allow that creativity to come out in a new venue. Best of luck to you.

PStanley said...

Oh Jess, thank you for sharing with us this inspiring story of making a change in your life. You're so brave to do what you're doing, and I am sure your dreams, big and small will come to fruition (Your 'fruity' SAF gallon:quart:pint card was a little prophetic as well!!!)
I can't remember if I have ever commented on your blog before, but there are at least three cards that you have made that stick in my mind as my all time favourite pieces of inspiration....In fact, you can check out my blog, I am sure I have linked up to one of them coz I did a straight out CASE of it. Just want to say thank you for the inspiration that you've shared with all of us, and I will miss you greatly. PLease do share when you can!

Jocelyn said...

I am so sorry you are leaving PTI because you work is always interesting, surprising and inspiring. Good luck with whatever your future holds .. it surely will be something interesting, surprising and inspiring. ^_~

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I'm sorry to hear you're leaving the team, I have always looked forward to your creations, they really were one-of-a-kind! So I wish you all the best on your journey and I hope you'll still continue creating. Lots of love!! Nina from Germany

Anonymous said...

Love you, J.Witt.
That is all.
Ps. Once a G2G, always a G2G. ;)

Lilian said...

You will be missed. Good luck in whatever you decide to do and thanks for sharing your talent with us all these years.

Kris said...

Oh my, you are going to be so missed. I have enjoyed your posts tremendously over the years. You have a way of writing that spoke to me...your "wit" (always loved that your blog is titled Witticisms with a play on your last name!) made me laugh out loud yet was soothing to my soul. And who can forget those Garden Variety mint pots...my absolute favorite project and use of stamps for all time. And guess what? Change is merely stepping out in faith to embrace the challenges and joys of your future. May you find delight in this new adventure. Thank you for sharing your talent and gifts with me...I have been truly blessed!

Marlena M. said...

I love your way with words and with paper crafting Jess. You are the inspiration for keeping my blog simple and blinky free. May God guide you and lead you in your new journey~it takes courage to move forward and let go! ;)

Michelle (abzzymom) said...

Best wishes, Jessica! Thank you for all the amazing projects you've created that have given me so much inspiration. I'll miss seeing your monthly projects, but I hope you still post from time to time.

Bonnie T. said...

I'm sure it's getting repetitive, but you will be deeply missed, Jessica! I feel the same way you do about the familiar, so I can imagine what a tough decision this was. Best wishes on your journey.

jintyoo7 said...

Such eloquent and bitter sweet writing, Jess - but you are to be commended for recognizing your responsibilities and putting them into perspective. I too, like scores and scores, if not hundreds of others will miss your incredible talent, and sweet gentle humour.

Best wishes to you and yours,


Ohana in Bend said...

you touched my heart with your message. may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob continue to lead you on your journey. and I know God will continue to bless you and your family when you are earnestly following His will or your life.

Michelle Early said...

Thank you for sharing your talent and humor with us! That was a nice goodbye.

Rebecca said...

You're creativity has been influential in my crafting. I love the unique ideas you come up with and will miss all your inspiration. I hope that God leads you down a fulfilling path that brings you much happiness. Good Luck!

bjmartin said...

I will miss you Jess! Embrace your future and remember that you will always have lots of people who care about you in blogland!

Nancy Penir said...

Finally had some time to sit and hear you, love visiting with people I admire, and certainly that won't stop! Will miss your posts with PTI, but will check out where God is leading you. There's nothing more exciting, and your creative nature, being God given, will continue to blossom. God bless you, Jess.

Kristin said...

I am thrilled for you. Simply put. Of course I love knowing that you were at my house last yr for Stamp a Faire and we got to hang out a little... ;)... but when we follow His guidance and leadership and small still voice there is just nothing better than that. I turned 40 earlier this month and wrote a longish post for my friends and family as I reflected back on where He has brought me from and to what could be ahead. I finished with this... "My life so far has been abundantly full and wonderful. We, as followers of Christ, aren't promised the wonderful, but we are promised the abundant." I am sure it will be the same for you!

He will knock your socks off, Jess! Best of luck!

Suzanne Russell said...

I love your reason for moving on. I've made similar decisions in my life and can testify that each time God called me to "move on", well, I have been changed in the process. He is a good God and will take you on the wild and wonderful ride that is only yours. Have fun, be brave, stay strong! You will be missed : )

Rachel P said...

Wow, Jess, I'm sorry to see you go, but completely understand the need to "simplify" life (aka, making some hard decisions to cut out some things that you love doing!) I've struggled with the same feeling about my life and whether or not I have time in it for paper crafting. I finally decided that pursuing a "career" in this field was not for me, but even as a hobby, sometimes I wonder if I spend too much time that should be spent on other things. All that to say that I can certainly understand the reasons behind your decision! But I will miss your fabulous creativity and humour! God bless you and whatever you do on this next leg of the journey. :)

Keya Clayton said...

I'll start by saying your creativity and positivity that radiates throughout each post helped make me he creative crafter I am today. I loved reading about your sweet little family and saying your amazing craft creations. I wish you grace and many blessings along your new journey.

Nancy L. said...

Good luck in everyhting and thanks for all your creativity!

Bev Gerard said...

What can I say to the young woman who introduced me to rubber stamping & paper crafting ... to the high school artist who painted Disney's Dopey so perfectly on a ceiling tile so everyone could have a smile ... to the little girl who wanted her handwriting to be Just Perfect - Every Time?

Love your creativity, your talents, your spirit ... love you muchly.

~Proud Mom

cuecards said...

It's been a while since I've visited my favorite crafty blogs, yours being at the top of the list. So, as I went to Nichole's blog this month, looking forward to the september release projects, I notice that your name wasn't linked. I went to your blog, and although we've never met or spoken to one another, your creativity and projects have inspired me beyond words. I read this post and started to cry. Thank you for being open and vulnerable with us. I look forward to see glimpses of what God has in store for you in this next chapter of your life. You inspire me to write down my dreams and see what God is planning for me. :) I will definitely miss your monthly PTI projects, but I have no doubt that you will continue to inspire me in other ways. Wishing you nothing but the best always. Blessings to you!

Jill Norwood said...

Jess thanks so much for sharing your talents and prose with all of us through the years! Your beautiful projects and your witty posts will surely be missed but I wish you all the very best. A friend calls those whispers a "God Breeze"....blowing us in new directions! Blessings to you and yours! :)

Diane - oliver.mdiane@comcast.net said...

Jess.. thanks for all the inspiration and I wish you the best of luck in your new adventures where ever they lead! Hugs.

Kelsey Martin said...

HOLY SMOKES. You have a blog. And you have 84 comments. Which means you're blog famous. Jessica, this just made my day! I cannot wait to start stalking you.

Teach me your blog-successing ways!!!!!!!


Angelica Suarez said...

Jess, I never got to know you personally, but have always loved your work and met you very briefly at CHA 2012. You have a smile that lights up the room and I can tell by your words that you have the most sincere heart. We will miss seeing your beautiful creations, but I am so moved by your words, because I know how true they are. How hard it is to let things go even when we don't want to. But we know it's the right thing. Can't wait to see where you go next and what you do - whatever it may be!

Julie Ebersole said...

I'm late to this post... not that you will ever see this comment given how tardy I am... LOL! ... in saying that your talent will be sorely missed, but you, dear girl, so much more so. You crossed my mind today, and on a whim I popped in (I spent a lot of time since your farewell post off-line, tending to some personal life issues) and it made me sad that I missed the opportunity to tell you how much I have admired your work, how much I have admired you, the lovely individual.

Wherever the wind takes you now, I hope it's awesome, and brings you joy, and feeds your soul, and allows you to fly as you knew in your heart that you needed to.

And that's all I got to say about that. :)


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