witticisms by Jess Witty

March 22, 2011

Blessings Book

Just a little mini mini for you today... more than a card, but not really a book. I love doing something just a bit extra to wrap up a gift card, so for this one I just folded over a paper bag, stitched the spine, trimmed off the closed end, and voila... two little pockets... one for a card, one for a gift card. I added some little pull tags for the cards so that they're easy to pull out. I used two of my favorite *favorites* on the front... a huge Jenni Bowlin butterfly run-on and the blessing stamp from Technique Tuesday. Sweet, right? If you're interested in the supply list, no worries... it's right here. Later, friends.


Lori Craig said...


Wendy ten Hove said...

Oh, this little booklet is so cute! Love the colors!
Hugs, Wendy

Amy Rohl said...

Love how your brain work, Jess!

Tiff said...

Love this! I always love when designers use up their older product in new ways :)

MaryPena said...

I love how creative this gift card holder is.